My first assignment was working for Autobon out of NY and a great non-profit organization that raises money for endangered species. When Simon first contacted me I had no idea what I was in for. The location was about and hour and a half outside of Pittsburgh, back to middle school I went. Haha ended up the little kids were dressed as Puffins (yes, those little birds that look like little penguins) and every other bird you could think of. It was by no means my type of thing but I worked with great people, met some new faces, and got paid.
This makes me giggle.

Next assignment was first communion photos. The director of Crown Castle needed photos of her daughter Allison's first communion and photos of her son John as well. Coty and I worked on this one together, once we got to her house in Peters Township we scouted out locations around their beautiful house. Coty mostly shot while I posed but I couldn't help but pick up the camera- together we got some amazing shots. We were very happy to get the pleasure of working with Wendy and her family for such an important time her their lives. We knew we wouldn't be able to get all the images to her in time for their family party but we decided to overnight a 10x13 and get it framed for her within 3 days. We stopped by Crown to drop it off to her, she cried when she saw the image. It was a pretty great feeling, she showed every one at Crown and since then we've been contaced by atleast half a dozen more people to do photograph everything from babies, on location family portraits, to weddings. Which led to our next job.
One of my favorites that I took.

One of Coty's favorites that he took.

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